The com lete eighth series of the ITV crime thriller based on the novels by Ann Cleeves. The show follows Detective Chief Ins ector Vera Stanho e (Bre...
Based on the bestselling Ins ector Stanho e books by award-winning writer Ann Cleeves, Vera and her team are drawn into four more com elling mysteries...
Set amid the wild beauty of the Northumberland landsca e, DCI Vera Stanho e investigates chilling crimes only she can solve. The shambolic but erce t...
Leeds olice constable Jo Gilles ie (Sheridan Smith) is devastated when her husband, undercover officer Ryan (Kenny Doughty), is killed in sus icious ...
《探长薇拉》的主人公是一个精力旺盛沉迷于工作的狂人。虽然她很孤独但她从轻易不袒露,她凭借敏锐的智慧,策略和勇气来面对生活。剧中陪她出生入死彼此信任的同事名叫Sergeant Joe Ashworth(由David Leon饰演),也是她当成儿子来看待的得力助手。他们以火一样的热情和专业的素养联手处理...